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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Lots and lots of Lobsters!
The other night I had another private charter lobster trip, it was on the weekend so I wasn't expecting much, I thought I'd see boats everywhere, but I was wrong. We lanched out of Long beach around 4 PM, with a bait cages filled and strapped into my nets we were ready to go hooping. For this trip we didn't fish any of the islands, just small high spots inside of the harbor and along the breakwater. On our first pass we had three legals, on the next pass two more and so on until we got to 10 legal lobsters. After that it just stopped, like someone had closed the door on them, so we moved over along the wall in the long beach area for five more bugs. The bait was all salmon heads and the weather was perfect, I fished in a T- shirt all night long. the deepest I fished this night was around 35 feet.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Izor Reef Report 01-29-12
Yesterday after church I took one of my cameraman out fishing just for fun, no tv cameras, just two guys fishing for the fun of it, we left the dock around 11:30 AM, later that I like to leave, after a quick stop for sardine at Nachos it was off to Izor Reef. The fishing wasn't wide open, but it was good. the current was going the wrong way, but if you were able to get a bait right on the reef, you got bit. I took most of my fish on 1/2oz and 1oz B 52 bucktails with a dead squid pinned on fishing with 20 pound test line, I landed eight nice size sandies here and my buddy got one and several perch.
From here we moved to wall and fished there for a few hours, I only got a few sand bass there, fishing was slow on the wall, but the weather was great and i was glad to just be on the water. We releqased all the fish and it was nice to be fishing in Jan in a T-shirt and shorts, no ice fishing for me today.
From here we moved to wall and fished there for a few hours, I only got a few sand bass there, fishing was slow on the wall, but the weather was great and i was glad to just be on the water. We releqased all the fish and it was nice to be fishing in Jan in a T-shirt and shorts, no ice fishing for me today.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
No Ice Fishing for me this weekend
I wasn’t going to write a blog today because I just wasn’t in the mood and I couldn't think about anything to write about and then I got an e mail. It was all about tricks to use for ice fishing. I’m sure if all you have is ice fishing then it’s something fun to do, but for me, I only want ice to put over my catch. I guess today’s blog isn’t about how to catch a fish or about one of my fishing charters, no today I just want to say how blessed I feel that I live here in Southern Cal. The weather today was 82! and it’s January. No ice fishing for me this weekend, I’ll be out on the ocean, yes I know, it won’t be 82 over the weekend, but it will be in the high 70’s. Yes LA is a great place to live and fish!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Killer Whales are still around
This story was written by my friend, Pete Thomas,
As the southbound parade of gray whales continues off Southern California, killer whales keep stealing the limelight. About 40 "offshore" killer whales were seen Thursday off Orange County and, later in the day, beyond the Long Beach area.
This comes after several sightings earlier this month of a pod of 10 "transient" killer whales. Offshore killer whales, unlike transients, do not prey on sea lions and other marine mammals. They eat sharks and fish.
Offshore killer whales, or orcas, are most commonly seen in the Queen Charlotte Islands area off British Columbia, but they tend to disappear for long periods. They are rarely seen off California, and more rarely spotted off Southern California.
Killer whale researcher Alisa Schulman-Janiger recalled sightings of much larger pods of offshore orcas on Feb. 11, 1995, and on Feb. 14, 2005.
There are believed to be between 300-400 offshore killer whales along the West Coast.
The accompanying video, with footage captured Thursday, is courtesy of Capt. Dave's Dolphin and Whale Safari. Note the upside-down orca at the beginning of the clip, and amazing underwater footage captured from within a small viewing pod that enables passengers to see how marine mammals act beneath the surface.
As the southbound parade of gray whales continues off Southern California, killer whales keep stealing the limelight. About 40 "offshore" killer whales were seen Thursday off Orange County and, later in the day, beyond the Long Beach area.
This comes after several sightings earlier this month of a pod of 10 "transient" killer whales. Offshore killer whales, unlike transients, do not prey on sea lions and other marine mammals. They eat sharks and fish.
Offshore killer whales, or orcas, are most commonly seen in the Queen Charlotte Islands area off British Columbia, but they tend to disappear for long periods. They are rarely seen off California, and more rarely spotted off Southern California.
Killer whale researcher Alisa Schulman-Janiger recalled sightings of much larger pods of offshore orcas on Feb. 11, 1995, and on Feb. 14, 2005.
There are believed to be between 300-400 offshore killer whales along the West Coast.
The accompanying video, with footage captured Thursday, is courtesy of Capt. Dave's Dolphin and Whale Safari. Note the upside-down orca at the beginning of the clip, and amazing underwater footage captured from within a small viewing pod that enables passengers to see how marine mammals act beneath the surface.
Monday, January 23, 2012
We'll be back in the East Cape August 9th-13th
I'm glad to announce we will be back in the East Cape at Hotel Buena Vista August 9th-13th. This is a very special trip for us. Last year 42 of my viewers joined me for this awesome trip and I hope we have even more of you join us this year. Please feel free to call our office at 562-865-3764 if you have any questions. I'll see you in the East Cape this August!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Something warm for you to watch on a rainy day
Here's a video clip we filmed down in Baja, Mexico of me landing a marlin down in the East Cape. It's just something for you to enjoy on this rainy day. I have a group trip to this resort in Aug this year, you can see all the details of this trip on my website home page at
Friday, January 20, 2012
How to cook up a lobster Baja style!
Here's a cooking segment we filmed in Mexico showing the Baja style way to cook up a lobster.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The Indian limits out on huge rock fish again!
Here's a fishing report from our friend Chris Randel owner of the Indian.
Hey gang just got back in this monday morning from a 2-1/2 day trip that fished San Martin the first day and Collonett on the second day in flat calm weather.We arrived at San Martin around 10.30 am and took a look at the 6 for Yellows and I did meter some on the Est edge but no takers so we rolled South to my secret Lingcod spot by the Breakers and found slack conditons but had steady action on big Lingcod along with Whitefish,Reds and some Sheep head for our limits (240). That night we rolled up to Collonet and found good conditions at day break with a .5 knot South drift and the Reds were biting pretty good most of the day except for a few attacks by the Humbolts on the West edge of the bank. Everyone had a great time filling up on Chef Ians chow while fishing in awsome weather and our fish count was limits (480) for 24 anglers.1 Yellowtail, 83 Lingcod,147 Reds,30 Salmon Grouper,203 Whitefish,8 Sheephead along with a few assorted cod.We saw the Mexican gun boat both days and we had visas but they just drove by and left us alone. The Indian has 16 reservations for tomorrow nights trip to the finger bank and if anyone would like to spend Wednesday on the water give Chris a call at (619) 523-8862 or just book on-line at

Hey gang just got back in this monday morning from a 2-1/2 day trip that fished San Martin the first day and Collonett on the second day in flat calm weather.We arrived at San Martin around 10.30 am and took a look at the 6 for Yellows and I did meter some on the Est edge but no takers so we rolled South to my secret Lingcod spot by the Breakers and found slack conditons but had steady action on big Lingcod along with Whitefish,Reds and some Sheep head for our limits (240). That night we rolled up to Collonet and found good conditions at day break with a .5 knot South drift and the Reds were biting pretty good most of the day except for a few attacks by the Humbolts on the West edge of the bank. Everyone had a great time filling up on Chef Ians chow while fishing in awsome weather and our fish count was limits (480) for 24 anglers.1 Yellowtail, 83 Lingcod,147 Reds,30 Salmon Grouper,203 Whitefish,8 Sheephead along with a few assorted cod.We saw the Mexican gun boat both days and we had visas but they just drove by and left us alone. The Indian has 16 reservations for tomorrow nights trip to the finger bank and if anyone would like to spend Wednesday on the water give Chris a call at (619) 523-8862 or just book on-line at
Monday, January 16, 2012
Over 200 of our past episodes are now on our You Tube Channel
You can now watch over 200 of our past episodes on our You Tube Channel. Most are rentals, but we always have a bunch of programs that you can watch for free, plus on our channel you can see hundreds of other short video fishing clips and all of my video blogs too. You can find a link to our You Tube Channel on our website at
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Fish slow in cold water
Several of you have been asking me how-to catch fish in cold water like we have right now in Jan. I understand that some of you don't get it how I'm catching fish on my charters in Jan with the water so cold. It's very simple, you need to just fish slower. In cold water the fish just aren't going to chase anything, you need to drop you bait close to them and if you can hit them on the head with your bucktail or live bait you'll do even better. It doesn't matter if you go fish the wall or some of the reefs or wrecks along the coast, in cold water fish slow and you'll catch plenty of fish. Get out there and have some fun.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Yesterday private charter fishing report 01/13/12
Yesterday I had a local half day private fishing charter trip. It was a lot of fun. We started out around 8:30AM and after a quick stop for a scoop of live anchoives it was off to Izor Reef. The weather was perfect, aound 80 degress and flat calm water. I metered around and checked out a few spots before dropping the anchor, the fish bit right away. It wasn't wide open by any means, but the fishing was good, we landed sand bass, calico and perch, most were taken on dead squid and three of the bass ate live anchoives. Around noon we left here and headed over the breakwater, fishing there was a bit slower, but the fish were there and we picked away at them. We did land out biggest calico bass and cabazon at the wall. All in all it was a great trip and the everyone had a great time.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Why I like to use Bucktails
Here's a video blog of me talking about why I like to use bucktails and why you should too. I hope you enjoy it.
Watch us on You Tube
You can now watch over 200 of our programs on our You Tube Channel. check it out today!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
2012 Update Video Blolg
Here's a short video clip talking about some of new laws in effect starting this year about fishing in Mexican waters and about our upcoming fishing / filming trips.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Here's a blog I did over a year ago talking about sinkers, I've had several e mails the past two weeks asking about sinkers and which styles I use, so here's a short video clip to help you pick the right sinkers to use when you're fishing.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Visas Now Needed to fish in Mexico
Here's some info I thought I should pass along to you all. just talked to Troy Williams at Mex Tour Assist. He had more insight into the new Visa process that all anglers fishing in Mexican waters will have to adhere to with the new year.
MX Tour Assist is a 3rd party company that is Mexican owned, outside of the Mexican government. Troy Williams is an American who works for the company, essentially serving as a liaison. Mex Tour Assist was set up to help assist with the visas that will new be required for all anglers visiting Mexican waters as of Jan. 1. On May 25, 2011 a new immigration law in Mexico was enacted by INAMI (Mexico’s Immigration Department).
All anglers will need a FMN Visa while fishing. All foreigners entering Mexican Waters, which include Mexican territorial waters, and contiguous waters within 24 miles must have a visa.
San Diego Landings will be able to issue the visas to sportboats. While it has yet to be confirmed, sources close to WON said the all four landings and Dana Landing will issue the visas to private boaters. The official word is expected on Thursday. Visas will have to be returned to the place of issue within 24 hours of returning to the U.S.
Here is how the pricing will work out. Prices are set to the pesos, and will be adjusted on the first of every month. Visas will be issued per trip, with three tiers: one- to three-day trips, four- to nine-day trips, and trips from 10 to 30 days.
As of January 1 the costs will be, per person:
Three days or less: $28.00
Four to nine days: $33.06
10 plus days: $38.06
As of February 1, the costs will be, per person:
Three days or less: $33.06
Four to nine days: $38.06
10 plus days: $43.06
Crewmembers will have to have a FM3 work visa, which can be obtained through Mex Tour Assist for $250.00.
“A FM3 trumps a FMN visa,” said Williams, so anyone with a FM3 (which is good for one year) will not need a FMN. Anyone getting a FM3 will need a sponsor, which Mex Tour Assist can be for crewmembers.
The visas are going to hit the ¾-day and overnight fleet the hardest, what with $28.06 being added to ticket prices in January and $33.00 being added on come Feb. 1.
Mexican permits/license will still be needed, as license and permits are a separate (CONPESCA) branch of Mexican government from immigration (INAMI).
Long range boats will no longer have to check into Ensenada to fish Guadalupe Island. Nor will tourists’ cards be needed for anglers taking flights home from Cabo.
More details are expecting in the coming days.
Here is the release from Mex Tour Assist.
On May 25, 2011 a new immigration law in Mexico was enacted “in order to create in our country a framework of guarantees to protect the rights of the individuals in our country, facilitate and manage the migratory flows to and from Mexico, favoring the protection and respect of human rights of Mexicans and foreigners, regardless their origin, nationality, gender, ethnicity, age and immigration status.” Source INAMI (Mexico’s Immigration Department).
INAMI has informed us that Articles 33, 44, 46, 50, 153, and 154 of the new immigration law require that all foreigners entering Mexican territory which includes Mexican territorial waters and contiguous waters (24 miles) from shore must have a Visa.
There are two primary options provided by INAMI that allow anglers to apply for a Mexican Visa if they intend to enter the Territorial Waters of Mexico:
• Boaters can appear at the Mexican land border points of entry and obtain a Visa through an INAMI designated facility.
• Boaters may report to the Port of Ensenada point of entry and contact the IMANI Office at the Port to obtain a Visa.
A third new option for the SAC member vessels is to obtain a Visa through a program sanctioned by INAMI.This program will permit the application process to be administered through a company approved by INAMI. This company is currently working with the sportfishing landings in San Diego to establish the required infrastructure.Once the process is “live” the feasibility of opening it up to the general boating public will be evaluated by the San Diego Landings.
The facts:
•All US or International tourists travelling to Mexico must have Visa to enter Mexico. This is called an FMM permit. This permit must go through a different process depending on whether one is entering by land or by sea.
• INAMI has authorized a 3rd party organization to initiate the water entry Visa process at the 5 San Diego landings for tourists with passage on any SAC member vessel.
•The SAC landings will only be facilitating the Visa.All other Visa’s must be obtained in Mexico.
• The cost of the Visa will vary depending on the length of the trip and the value of the Peso
• INAMI will monitor the border and execute random inspections of all vessels crossing into Mexican territorial waters, including monitoring the private marine recreational sector
• If you are boarded by INAMI, they will ask you for a National ID and your Mexican Visa
• The Visa must be processed and paid for ahead of time
• All FMM Visas are to be returned within 24hrs upon return to the U.S.
• Vessels traveling through the territorial waters of Mexico, not engaging in activities, but seeking only “innocent passage” while enroute to international waters, will not be required to have a Visa.
•Crew members will be required to have a FM3 which can be obtained through the 3rd party company or in a INAMI office
The Visa Applications may be made through the following locations:
Fisherman’s Landing
2838 Garrison Street
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 221-8500
H&M Sportfishing
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 222-1144
Point Loma Sportfishing
1403 Scott Street
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 223-1627
Seaforth Sportfishing
1717 Quivira Road
San Diego, CA 92109
(619) 224-3383
Dana Landing
2580 Ingraham Street
San Diego, CA 92109
(619) 226-2929 just talked to Troy Williams at Mex Tour Assist. He had more insight into the new Visa process that all anglers fishing in Mexican waters will have to adhere to with the new year.
MX Tour Assist is a 3rd party company that is Mexican owned, outside of the Mexican government. Troy Williams is an American who works for the company, essentially serving as a liaison. Mex Tour Assist was set up to help assist with the visas that will new be required for all anglers visiting Mexican waters as of Jan. 1. On May 25, 2011 a new immigration law in Mexico was enacted by INAMI (Mexico’s Immigration Department).
All anglers will need a FMN Visa while fishing. All foreigners entering Mexican Waters, which include Mexican territorial waters, and contiguous waters within 24 miles must have a visa.
San Diego Landings will be able to issue the visas to sportboats. While it has yet to be confirmed, sources close to WON said the all four landings and Dana Landing will issue the visas to private boaters. The official word is expected on Thursday. Visas will have to be returned to the place of issue within 24 hours of returning to the U.S.
Here is how the pricing will work out. Prices are set to the pesos, and will be adjusted on the first of every month. Visas will be issued per trip, with three tiers: one- to three-day trips, four- to nine-day trips, and trips from 10 to 30 days.
As of January 1 the costs will be, per person:
Three days or less: $28.00
Four to nine days: $33.06
10 plus days: $38.06
As of February 1, the costs will be, per person:
Three days or less: $33.06
Four to nine days: $38.06
10 plus days: $43.06
Crewmembers will have to have a FM3 work visa, which can be obtained through Mex Tour Assist for $250.00.
“A FM3 trumps a FMN visa,” said Williams, so anyone with a FM3 (which is good for one year) will not need a FMN. Anyone getting a FM3 will need a sponsor, which Mex Tour Assist can be for crewmembers.
The visas are going to hit the ¾-day and overnight fleet the hardest, what with $28.06 being added to ticket prices in January and $33.00 being added on come Feb. 1.
Mexican permits/license will still be needed, as license and permits are a separate (CONPESCA) branch of Mexican government from immigration (INAMI).
Long range boats will no longer have to check into Ensenada to fish Guadalupe Island. Nor will tourists’ cards be needed for anglers taking flights home from Cabo.
More details are expecting in the coming days.
Here is the release from Mex Tour Assist.
On May 25, 2011 a new immigration law in Mexico was enacted “in order to create in our country a framework of guarantees to protect the rights of the individuals in our country, facilitate and manage the migratory flows to and from Mexico, favoring the protection and respect of human rights of Mexicans and foreigners, regardless their origin, nationality, gender, ethnicity, age and immigration status.” Source INAMI (Mexico’s Immigration Department).
INAMI has informed us that Articles 33, 44, 46, 50, 153, and 154 of the new immigration law require that all foreigners entering Mexican territory which includes Mexican territorial waters and contiguous waters (24 miles) from shore must have a Visa.
There are two primary options provided by INAMI that allow anglers to apply for a Mexican Visa if they intend to enter the Territorial Waters of Mexico:
• Boaters can appear at the Mexican land border points of entry and obtain a Visa through an INAMI designated facility.
• Boaters may report to the Port of Ensenada point of entry and contact the IMANI Office at the Port to obtain a Visa.
A third new option for the SAC member vessels is to obtain a Visa through a program sanctioned by INAMI.This program will permit the application process to be administered through a company approved by INAMI. This company is currently working with the sportfishing landings in San Diego to establish the required infrastructure.Once the process is “live” the feasibility of opening it up to the general boating public will be evaluated by the San Diego Landings.
The facts:
•All US or International tourists travelling to Mexico must have Visa to enter Mexico. This is called an FMM permit. This permit must go through a different process depending on whether one is entering by land or by sea.
• INAMI has authorized a 3rd party organization to initiate the water entry Visa process at the 5 San Diego landings for tourists with passage on any SAC member vessel.
•The SAC landings will only be facilitating the Visa.All other Visa’s must be obtained in Mexico.
• The cost of the Visa will vary depending on the length of the trip and the value of the Peso
• INAMI will monitor the border and execute random inspections of all vessels crossing into Mexican territorial waters, including monitoring the private marine recreational sector
• If you are boarded by INAMI, they will ask you for a National ID and your Mexican Visa
• The Visa must be processed and paid for ahead of time
• All FMM Visas are to be returned within 24hrs upon return to the U.S.
• Vessels traveling through the territorial waters of Mexico, not engaging in activities, but seeking only “innocent passage” while enroute to international waters, will not be required to have a Visa.
•Crew members will be required to have a FM3 which can be obtained through the 3rd party company or in a INAMI office
The Visa Applications may be made through the following locations:
Fisherman’s Landing
2838 Garrison Street
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 221-8500
H&M Sportfishing
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 222-1144
Point Loma Sportfishing
1403 Scott Street
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 223-1627
Seaforth Sportfishing
1717 Quivira Road
San Diego, CA 92109
(619) 224-3383
Dana Landing
2580 Ingraham Street
San Diego, CA 92109
(619) 226-2929
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Fish Tacos aboard the Pacific Dawn
Here's a short video we filmed in the galley of the Pacific Dawn. It's all about how the cook there likes to make her fish tacos.
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