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Thursday, August 26, 2010
Surf Fishing weekend in Rosarito, Mexico
Dan Hernandez for a Weekend Fishing Getaway! We'll be filming a
surf fishing program October 8th - October 10, 2010 at the Rosarito
Beach Hotel. In Rosarito, Baja California México, 3 Days, 2 Nights, Two people per room for only $254.00 per room, meal packages are available. Call us at 562-865-3764 to book your room today!
surf fishing program October 8th - October 10, 2010 at the Rosarito
Beach Hotel. In Rosarito, Baja California México, 3 Days, 2 Nights, Two people per room for only $254.00 per room, meal packages are available. Call us at 562-865-3764 to book your room today!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sea Angler Fishing Trip
We are getting ready for our fishing trip this Friday aboard ten Sea Angler out of 22nd Street Landing. We still have room if you'd like to join us, It's a local fishing trip leaving at 7AM, call Larry at 562-221-1278 for all the details.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sculpin are biting
It's sad to say but the be best bite right now in our local waters is for sculpin. It's almost Sept and we should have yellowtail and calico bass everywhere along our coast and we don't, I hoping this warm weather will improve our fishing very soon. If you are going sculpin fishing this week I'd suggest you bring along a few B-52 bucktails. you'll need a 6oz. if you're only fishing with one bait or two 1/2 oz. bucktails if you're doing to use a dropper loop rig. either way this jigs work awesome on the sculpin. Pin on a strip of squid and you're ready to go.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Finally done at the Boatyard!
our last blog from the Marina Boatyard in Long Beach, CA, I learned a lot about my boat in this project.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Done painting! Dan Hernandez Blog
Finally we are done painting the bottom of our boat, but it's not ready to launch just yet.
First day of putting on the bottom paint
here's an update on how the bottom painting on my boat is going.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
next fishing charter
our next fishing trip is on the 27th abroad the Sea Angler out of 22nd Street Landing, it's a 3/4 day local trip. we still have room if you'd like to join us, call Larry at 562-221-1278 for the details.
Monday, August 16, 2010
where to fish
with the tuna staying away for now, I'd suggest you fish the local kelp beds or over to one of the local islands. Catalina has had a great bite for months now on calicos, bonita and some barries, if the water ever warms up you can expect the yellow to turn on too.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Boatyard Blog Report
Dan talking about what steps they need to take before they put on the bottom paint.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Surf Fishing in Mexico
If I was to host a weekend surf fishing get away to Rosarito would anyone here sign up and go? Just asking because we are looking into adding a few more travel trips for this fall.
San Bass on a MM7

yesterday was the first time I had ever hooked a sand bass on a surface jig. we were fishing aboard the Fisherman III and there was a mix of large barries and sand bass around the boat. I landed four nice barries, but I also landed two huge sand bass on the MM7's too. next time your fishing for sandies and you see them up toward the surface try a MM7, it just might surprise you, it did me.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Fisherman III
today we had a fishing charter out of H & M landing in san Diego. the fishing was pretty good today, we landed a lot of gig sand bass and some nice size barries. I was able to land both barries and sand bass on the MM7's today. the weather was perfect for fishing too. you can see pictures from today's trip on our face book fan page.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
In the boat yard
here's a short video blog of us in the Marine Shipyard in Long Beach, CA. We'll be here for a few days painting the bottom of our boat, this is the first time that I have don it myself, usually we just let the boat yard do all the work. follow us the next few days as we work on this project.
Monday, August 9, 2010
In the boat yard
This week we have my boat in the yard to put on fresh bottom paint. I'll be posting daily updates to let you know how it all goes. Today I had the boat hauled out and we got it all ready to paint. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.
Boat Work
This week we will be hauling out our boat and painting the bottom. I'll be post all week to let you know how it goes.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sea Star Trip
Thursday, August 5, 2010
a good live bait

You would think that everyone would know what a good live bait look like, but I've learned over the years that's not the case. A good bait is one that has all its scales, is swimming very good and hard in the bait tank and doesn't have a bright red nose like Rodolph. Remember the bait you pick and pin on to your hook is never going to swim as good as it does there in the bait tank, so pick a good bait, take you time and make a good choice, if you're always picking a good bait, you're going to start catching more fish. Also don't fish you bait too long, you should be changing you bait every 2-3 minutes. Now go pick a good bait and catch some fish.....
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
live bait fishing
I don't care if we talking about tuna fishing far offshore or fishing the local kelp beds for calico bass, it is very important that if you're going to use live bait that you pick out a good bait to start with. Too often I see people grab a dead or half dead bait and then get upset because they never get a bite. some extra time at the bait tank if you need to, but make sure whatever bait you pick is the best one in the bait well......
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The tuna are back!
Looks like the San Diego fleet found the tuna again, the fish counts are starting to improve again. It looks like August is going to be a great month for tuna fishing!
Monday, August 2, 2010
tuna fishing next week.
The skipper for our offshore tuna fishing trip just called us with a great offer. he's lowering the price of our trip to only $280.00 for a 1 1/2 tuna trip and that includes permits too. Call Larry at 562-221-1278 for this one time special offer.
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