Today I went fished the 277 spot and the East End of Catalina Island kelp patty fishing. I didn't have a film crew with me just a few friends. We left the dock late around 7 AM and after picking up some bait we headed toward Catalina Island. We were about 10 miles off the East End when we spotted a marlin, we tossed a live bait to it but it never bit. We worked our way over toward the 277 spot where we found a kelp patty with one big dorado hiding under it. We tossed several live baits at it but it didn't want anything we had to offer. We ended the day not catching anything, but the weather was great and I had three friends out on the water with me, yes fishing today was slow but being there 45 miles out at sea hunting for a marlin I felt like I was home.
Tuesday we have a charter out of H&M Landing in San Diego, it's a two day tuna fishing trip, Yes I'll have my film crew with me and you'll get to watch it later this year on TV, I'm sure I'll catch more fish on this trip than I did today, but fishing is what I love to do, even on those days when I don't catch anything.